Sunčana Brkulj was born in Zadar, Croatia. In 2016. she started her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb, where she recieved her Bachelor of Arts diploma in 2019., and is currently pursuing the Master of Arts degree.
Sunčana created her first film "The Sensitive Prince" in 2018. In 2019., as a BA degree film, she created "I'M NOT FEELING VERY WELL", which was selected for Annecy, Animafest, Anim'est and other festivals in 2020. It was exhibited at the 35th Youth Salon in HDLU Zagreb, the largest and most respectable exhibition event of Croatian visual artists under 35.
In 2020. Sunčana made "The Tower", which has so far been selected for Sommets du cinema d'animation, Reanima Bergen and Animateka in 2020. Sunčana has experience working for Adriatic Animation and Recircle studios in Zagreb.
Besides animation, Sunčana has published comics in the webzine KOMIKAZE and has put on a cycle of solo exhibitions titled "Inferno" from 2018. to 2020.
Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb
Animation and New Media
Résumé & Attachments
Résumé & Attachments