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Satingarona Part 2


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Mache n’ape mache san n’ pa konnen kote n’ pr’ale Prese wi nou prese, m’ pa konn’ kilè men n’ vle rive Men je n’ fèmen oubyen n’ bliye gade dèyè tout sa n’ lakòz Devan pòt tounen dèyè kay, nèg pa vle plante bò lakay Di mwen lè solèy la leve, kiyès k’a ede m’ fè konbit Pou lawouze tounen lespwa pou nou ka rekòlte lavi Grenn Pwonmennen asyèt ou chaje maladi Grenn Pwonmennen de je n’ kale men n’ap dòmi Li pa twò ta pou n’ reflechi, Li pa twò ta pou n’ reflechi Boule, wi n’ap boule, pou n’ fè chabon kisa k’ peye Tout mòn yo debwaze, pou chak lapli gen je k’ fèmen Eske l’ nòmal pou n’ enpòte sa fòs ponyèt nou te konn’ ba’ nou Devan pòt tounen dèyè kay, menm diri n’ pa fèt bò lakay Di mwen lè solèy la leve, kiyès k’a ede m’ fè konbit Pou lawouze tounen lespwa pou nou ka rekòlte lavi Grenn Pwonmennen Asyèt ou chaje maladi Grenn Pwonmennen Li pa twò ta pou n’ reflechi Li pa twò ta pou n’ reflechi, Li pa twò ta pou n’ reflechi [ Di mwen ! Oumenm ! Oumenm ki save. Lè w’ prale sa w’ap kite ? Timoun yo, tchovi yo ki dèyè, si w’ pa simen sa w’ vle yo ranmase ? Ou montre y’ achte ou pa montre yo vann Ki mantalite, kisa w’ vle n’ defann? ] Ki garanti pou lasante si pwodiksyon egal pwazon Si pou manje y’ap tann yo bay sa n’ te dwe plante bò lakay Di mwen lè solèy la leve, kiyès k’a ede m’ fè konbit Pou lawouze tounen lespwa pou nou ka rekòlte lavi Grenn Pwonmennen asyèt ou chaje maladi Grenn Pwonmennen de je w’ kale men w’ap dòmi Li pa twò ta pou reflechi, pou w’ ka garanti yon avni Ann’ ale solèy la leve, Grenn Pwonmennen annou ale Li pa twò ta pou reflechi…
La Carga 06:01
Todo es silencio tranquilidad y sopla el viento no hay hostilidad La noche es fria, llega al desierto Descansan almas de traginar Se juntan cuerpos, no existe el miedo por la esperanza de despertar de despertaaaar La carga… Con el regreso de la luz la luz del dia llega el miedo llega el temor Llegan almas ya desconocidas Llega rabia llega odio llega miedo se acaba la tranquilidad La carga… Corazones cargados de rencor estando sin respirar llega el miedo llega el temooor solo hay ruido confusion no hay destino todo se opone por la carga
L'Autre Quai 03:42
Je voudrais être ici et maintenant J’aimerais juste vivre l’instant Etre en même temps super loin En détente ouais super bien A c’qu’il paraît il faut vivre avec son temps Mais dans les faits on veut vite la récompense On accumule des devises on est contents Et ça ramène plus de vice que ce qu’on pense On veut plus de bénéfices à léguer à nos filles à nos fils En vrai on est tous un peu novices Parce qu’en vrai personne ne lit la notice Le temps d’énumerer ses plans de dire ABCD Des gens que l’on appréciait sont déjà décédés Et se fâcher ou se cacher ne va pas les aider Il ne faut jamais rien lâcher ouais ne jamais céder Pas de p’tite histoire j’le dis pour toi j’le dis pour moi Vise le plus loin que tu puisses voir ouais c’est pour ça que j’te dis tout ça Même si ton train a pris du retard qu’une fois là bas tu t’y r’trouves pas Sur l’autre quai d’une autre gare ton destin va te dire pourquoi Je voudrais être ici et maintenant J’aimerais juste vivre l’instant Etre en même temps super loin En détente ouais super bien Avec le temps j’suis plus tolérant Avant je jugeais bien trop les gens Même si je suis sympathique ma garde reste hermétique Dans la vie je monte haut les gants Qu’on soit passionné d’art ou épris de fitness Quoique l’on fasse on est pris de vitesse Tout recommence d’autres tout petits naissent Il faut trouver sa place mais faire tout en finesse Tout à coup d’un simple claquement de doigts Tes mômes sont déjà loin de toi Tous les êtres humains ont le choix On est en manque mais on ne sait pas bien de quoi Chacun son chemin chacun son destin Pour certains ça s’allume pour d’autre ça s’éteint Pierrot dans la lune ou bien Arlequin Chacune de mes phrases est dans mon calepin Je voudrais être ici et maintenant J’aimerais juste vivre l’instant Etre en même temps super loin En détente ouais super bien.. Y arriver, que c’est long, sans stresser, que c’est bon Le trajet, sans pression, S’arrêter ? Pas question
Jashu 04:14
Con su radio en el hombro tu siempre ves a betun con panes en el bolsillo de su pantalon azul lleva consigo las pilas y un lazo por cinturon un peine entre sus cabellos y protesis de carton carton… En mi region todos quieren a este importante hashu el se recorre las calles sin demostrar inquietud siempre pide con refresco y se le ve sonreir no se muestra descontento el jashu sabe vivir Dindindin.. carton.. vive contento contento Jashu alegra mi pueblo mi pueblo Jashu vive contento alegra mi pueblo
San Gabriel 04:42
Cuando san gabriel bajo y le dio l'ave maria no se si le alcanzaria  
Jesucristo a nues...
…tro reino Cuando san gabriel bajo oro mi niño dios Cuando san gabriel bajo oro mi niño dios Y le dio l'ave maria
oro mi niño dios No se si le alcanzaria
oro mi niño dios
No se si le alcanzaria oro mi niño dios Jesucristo a nuestro reino
oro mi niño dios
Jesucristo a nuestro reino oro mi niño dios Arullo mi niño arrullo mi dios oro mi niño dios Arullo mi niño y arrullo mi dios oro mi niño dios O Chigualito chigualatero, 
o chigualito o chigualatero
 A casar me quiero con un canero a casar me quiero
con un canero A canchimala o a tamborero 
a canchimala
oye tamborero Si no me caso mejor me muero, 
si no me caso hoy mejor me muero Hoy angelito se va pa'l cielo, 
hoy angelito hoy se va pa'l cielo O Chigualatiando chigualatero, 
chigualatiando hoy chigualateo O Chigualito
O chigualatero 
Cuando san gabriel bajo y le dio l'ave maria No se si le alcanzaria Jesucristo a nues… 
…tro reiiino
Agua Fria 04:54
Supposons que je vienne d’ailleurs
que j’aie perdu mon chemin
J’ai oublié le jour et l’heure
et le temps qu’il fera demain

Je viendrais vous parler d’un monde
qui disparut en un instant
Les siècles y passaient comme les secondes,
comme on enfile un diamant

Donnez moi donnez moi un peu d’eau froide, juste un peu d’eau froide 
Donnez moi un peu d’eau froide plutot
qu’une baignoire remplie de lait 
pour me délasser 
des effets d'un voyage, 

Pas besoin de luxe inutile
pour apprécier la vue d’ici
Si vous saviez le ridicule
d’un empire dans l’incendie

Donnez moi donnez moi 
un peu d’eau froide, juste un peu d’eau froide 

M’en allant de ces contrées stériles
je les laisserai
se demandant qui était cette fille
qui ne fit que passer

Ils se lasseront d’eux mêmes
ou bien la terre les avalera
Ils  récolteront ce qu’ils sèment
Moi et mon eau froide ne serons plus là Donnez moi donnez moi 
un peu d’eau froide, juste un peu d’eau froide
O Na Ya 03:55
Me na kan O hiotot'ou si Piamia pissekin'oussi Ata heni pa lia Missi megnouakan Touono to yam'igne   Ignekine ô ya yi ndo'os Me ndo piok ô wam ombelles  Me ndoussiannaken Ou pumben Ou pumben  Poulileu Sissi Mengo kok ena  Mengo kok ena O na ya  O na ya eh O na ya  O na ya mouesse  Me na kan  ô yam idin'ou ke si  Ou ke sie ô pa pa ndo miango hiki  Ata pan pa lia Hissini hè pèlapèn'ou Hiwe Pana pa ndou pin Hiwe hia hè ndo Tom Haha wemi'ombel   Me ndoussiannaken Ou pumben Ou pumben  Poulileu Sissi Mengo kok ena  Mengo kok ena O na ya  O na ya eh O na ya  O na ya mouesse    Me na kan …
Sonora 05:27
Bailalo pegaito… Bailalo pegaito Bailalo bien sueltico Mueve tu cuerpo al son De Sonora Yeah yeah oielo Este ritmo Este ritmo es sabroso Sonora.. La rumba e’ sabrosa Sonora Con Sonora, oye Pa’ gozar Vele lele Lo que traigo es sabor


Two years after his first album, Etienne Sevet aka The Bongo Hop vows to fulfill the expectations born after Satingarona pt 1, in which he’d laid the foundations of his own afro caribbean « metissage ». This time again, with Satingarona pt 2, the trumpetist hailing from Bordeaux is joined by his friends, colombian singer Nidia Gongora (Quantic, Ondatropica, Canalon) and french producer Patchworks (Voilaaa, Taggy Matcher), alongside newly met colaborators, like parisian impromptu MC Greg Frite, Haitian singer Kephny Eliacin, Cindy Pooch and young talent Laurene Pierre-Magnani from his hometown’s underground caribbean punk scene. New roads and new stories, to a same destination : the land of perpetual dance.

Sometimes it takes a while for a musician to arise…But Etienne Sevet popped in from nowhere, like his favorite comic book hero, clandestine seaman Keubla, escaping from his quarantined ship. After a long exile in Cali Colombia, he arrived in France (Lyon) with his first compositions under his arms and no particular plan, but luckily met producer Patchworks. Like a dike cracking under the pressure of water, his compositions flooded the producer’s studio, his colombian and west african influences irradiating in a new fashion. The memories of a life time spent in Cali would shine brighter and warmer despite the greyish light of a comeback to the homeland. Between the metro and his small flat, some of the compositions that were started while in Cali -as he was hanging out with his neighbour, british producer Quantic (who induced him to start « doing his own songs »)- came to be developped during lonely walks under the rain. He released his Satingarona pt1 LP in December 2016

Then just like Keubla, the forsaken seaman out to conquer the world, The Bongo Hop formed a band, out for a tour of 80 shows, in France, Spain, Belgium and Italy. In between, the longuing to go back to Colombia was met by material problems, so our seaman changed his route : Tanzania, Cape Verde…But each time, as he enjoyed moments of music there, AfroColombia was always in the air, like a need to transpose every new adventure to a dreamt place, while living it to the fullest.

The « in-betweenness », that one experiences enjoying being here while also longuing to be there, echoes what he used to feel, when he was mixing his afro beat and cavacha records, to the delight and surprise of his salsero friends in Cali, deep into the tropical night. As he was submitting them the fiery sounds of Johnny Bokelo, Amadou Balaké or Maroon Commandos, the desire to see this place right here, exhale the flavor of that place way over there, was feeding his faith as a promoter and a music digger. Make Cali sound a bit like Douala or Accra was also a tribute to the africanness of the place. And the perfect soundtrack for a musical rêverie, as he was looking at the sunset over the ridges of Cali Farallones mountains, deep into the mellow sounds of Abidjan’s Gnonnas Pedro. The quest for this universal connection between apparently distant landscapes, melodies and rythm, was probably the greatest motivation for The Bongo Hop as a sound collector. It’s clearly visible today in Satingarona Pt 2, an album that -again- defies traditional genre nomenclatura.

This constant coming and going is illustrated by the first track, Grenn Pwonmennen. A personal take on angolean semba music, as heard during a trip to Cape Verde where it’s very popular, becomes a source of inspiration for a song dedicated to environmental and ressource awareness – deeply needed in Cape Verde, Haiti, Colombia …Later handed to an Haitian singer, whose island also dramatically suffers. And a message of hope : « Li pa two ta pou n’reflechi », it’s not too late to think.

La Carga came from a story Chris Kirkley (Sahel Sounds) told TBH once, of him sleeping at a Touareg camp lost in the middle of the desert, when a huge blast tore the night. The next morning, they’d discovered a few kilometers away the smoking remnants of a Venezuelian 737 aircraft, and traces of tires heading up north…A couple of years later, the very same story was reported in a paper on Cocaine traffic in the desert, published by Le Figaro. The situation of the Touaregs sort of mirrored the Colombian Pacific coast’s fate, where the locals are very often disturbed by unexpected events related to drug trafficking, the desert mirroring the colombian manglar…TBH’s suggestion to Nidia that an interesting song was at hand triggered another collaboration. Of course, the musical kernel is inspired by desert rock rhythms, heavy guitars and a sense of oppression in the horns.

Slightly light-humored, yet not devoid of a bitter-sweet feeling, L’autre Quai and Jashu display their warm acoustic guitars, caribbean hip hop and broken afrobeat. Greg Frite, a parisian mc from the French West Indies is rapping about procrastination and the fear to take a step… As he composed Jashu, the south african melody took TBH back to when he’d met young street artists from Soweto during a workshop in Bordeaux. They were yelling « Gashu » (Fool!) to each other in a familiar and friendly manner all the time. As he told Nidia about this, a slight miscomprehension in the translation brought her to think about fools as nutters. It reminded her of Betun, a beloved mentally ill character of Timbiqui, her childhood village in Colombia. 
The cover of Buscaja’s San Gabriel, one of the repertoire’s most intense piece, is a tribute to AfroColombia he holds dear. Rearranged in a TBH style, it conveys this atmosphere of opression due to paramilitary persecution: « In this song, I go from an alabao to a bunde, then a chigualito and then back to the alabao. The alabao is a prayer to a saint, dark and serious, the bunde is an everyday chant, and the chigualito is a funeral song for dead children. So, it’s like going back and forth between life and death. » explains Buscaja’s singer and militant Alba Elena Arramburo, a figure of the Yurumangui community in exile in Buenaventura, the violent harbor on the Pacific coast.

Revealing two new singers, O Na Ya, a high life sung in Bannen by camerunese singer Cindy Pooch, who also happens to be the band’s singer, talks about feeling home while being in another country, something she experienced while in Colombia. Agua Fria is a groovy tropical tale about frugality, somewhere between Montesquieu’s Persian Letters and Bardot & Gainsbourg’s Contact, TBH style. The album closes on a sensual and mid tempo instrumental, Sonora, which reminds us that this voice and dance-oriented project also gives brass their importance.

For a musician like him, who sees himself more as a craftsman than as an artist, it’s all about dancing and sharing in the end. Still designed to inspire images of Latin America and Colombia to its listeners, it draws new, transatlantic horizons to be pursued. Somehow he manages to make every source he’s taking his inspiration from, express the spirit of this multicultural Ocean, through infinite variations. Opaque, like Glissant said : it’s here but you’ll never quite catch it.


released February 22, 2019


all rights reserved



THE BONGO HOP Lyon, France

The Bongo Hop is the new afro caribean project presented by french trumpetist Etienne Sevet. On Satingarona pt 1, friends from his Colombian years, like vocalist Nidia Gongora (the voice of Ondatropica and Quantic, whom he’d discovered and filmed in 2003 as she was the unknown singer of folkloric ensemble Socavon), rapper Maikcel (Zalama crew), but also famous producer Patchworks ... more

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