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Datum nastanka strani: 13. avgust 2018
StraniJavna osebaUmetnikSamantha Maya
Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store...
Maybe Christmas, perhaps,
means a little bit more✨
Želim vam mirne praznike, polne veselja in zdravja❤️
... Prikaži več@cordobaguitars ❤️
#cordoba #ukulele #giftideas #gift #chrismas #slovenia #music #samanthamaya
Še 2 tedna❤️✨ 25/1/2019
Filled with oceans crashing and wild, turning over ships, rushing under a powerful storm.
yet still
yet calm.
Filled with wonder and curiosity, yearning for the unknown, desperate for enlightenment
yet wise
yet content.
Eyes so wide, so deep, filled with delicate roses, the power of mighty warriors, elegant as her flowing dress, filled with souls of thousands, with passion, with yearning, with desire.
Filled with beauty
Filled with love.
Še vedno eden ljubših koncertov✨
Check out my talented boyz The Takeover ❤️
#concert #band #music #artist #musicians